Ich liebe Sport, Fotografie, Kunst und natürlich veganes Essen. Dieser Blog wird eine Sammlung meiner Lieblingsrezepte und allem anderen, das mir in den Sinn kommt.
Über mich

autumn = figs, persimmon & pumpkins all day, right? 🤩🍂
This is soy yogurt with my favorite muesli mix (oats, amatanth, shredded flaxseeds, roasted sunflowerseeds, pumpkinseeds & almonds), banana, figs, persimmon & almond butter.
I always store that muesli mix in a jar to have it ready for a quick breakfast.
That saves lots of money compared to buying muesli mixes, ist healthier (in many cases) and you can combine all your favorite ingredients and switch them however you like.
What are your favorite muesli ingredients?
#muesli #mueslibowl #breakfastbowl #healthybreakfast #veganbreakfast #autumnfood #persimmon #figs #yogurtbowl #veganbowls #vegangermany #veganrecipes #veganerezepte #gesunderezepte #vegandeutschland #vegan #mueslimix
vor 2 Jahren

These Cherry Pie Mummies are perfect if you need a quick & easy Halloween treat with only a few ingredients! 🍒🤕
You need:
- 250g frozen sour cherries
- 1tsp starch
- sweetener of your choice (optional)
- puff pastry
- plantmilk
- soy yogurt & cacao nibs for the eyes 👀 (or sugar eyes)
- cook the cherries on medium heat until defrosted
- turn the heat off, add the starch and stir until you have a creamy cherry sauce
- cut the puff pastry into equal squares and place half of them on a baking tray
- cut the other half into thin bandages 🤕
- put the cherry sauce on the squares and add the bandages on top
- use a fork to press them down on the sides
- brush the bandages with plantmilk
- bake them in the preheated oven at 180°C for about 15-20 minutes
- let them cool down and add the eyes of your choice
#halloweenfood #halloweentreats #halloweensnacks #halloween #cherrypie #puffpastry #veganhalloween #vegan #veganrecipes #veganfoodshare #vegangermany #veganfooddeutschland #mummies
vor 2 Jahren

Butterfly Pea Nicecream 🦋
All you need is frozen bananas and butterfly pea powder. Blend & add your favorite toppings. I chose chocolate sauce & hempseeds this time.
My favorite chocolate sauce:
- 2tbsp cacao powder
- 2tbsp melted coconut oil
- 1tsp maple syrup
#nicecream #nicecreamswirl #veganicecream #butterflypea #butterflypeaflower #vegan #veganrecipes #healthyrecipes #healthy #veganfood #veganfoodshare #blender #gesunderezepte #veganerezepte #vegandeutschland
vor 2 Jahren

Falls ihr in eurem Asialaden auch Riesen Reispapier findet, probiert das unbedingt mal aus! Ich war so begeistert, wie gut man die Riesen Rollen essen kann, man spart sich einiges an Aufwand, weil man nicht so viele Rollen rollen muss und die vielen Zutaten sind ne mega Geschmacksexplosion! 🤯
Falls ihr „nur“ normales Reispapier habt, probiert trotzdem mal die Kombi als Füllung – soo lecker mit Mango (war auch erst skeptisch 🥲).
- Gurke
- Karotten
- Paprika
- Mango
- Rotkohl
- Avocado
- veganes Chicken
- Salatblätter
- 3EL Erdnussmus
- 2EL Sojasoße
- 1TL gelbe Currypaste
- 1 knappen TL Ahornsirup
- 3EL Limettensaft oder Zitronensaft
- gehackten Ingwer & Knoblauch
I found ricepaper with 31cm diameter at the Asian supermarket and had to try making these big summerrolls (the summer version of burritos 🤣) and they turned out amazing! You have to try this if you find this big ricepaper! Otherwise just go for the regular size and try this combo 👇🏻 (so good with mango!)
- cucumber
- carrots
- bellpepper
- mango
- red cabbage
- avocado
- vegan chicken
- lettuce
- 3 tbsp unsweetened beanutbutter
- 2 tbsp soysauce
- 1 tsp yellow currypaste
- 1 tsp maple syrup
- 3tbsp limejuice or lemonjuice
- chopped ginger & garlic
#sommerrollen #xxlsommerrollen #riesensommerrollen #sommerburritos #reispapier #summerrolls #ricepaper #veganerezepte #veganrecipes #vegan #gesund #gesunderezepte #sommerrezepte #vegandeutschland #burritos #healthyfood #healthyrecipes #veganfood
vor 3 Jahren

Ich hab das Original tatsächlich nie probiert, weil ich das als Kind immer ultra komisch fand und die Kombination Spaghetti und Eis für mich keinen Sinn gemacht hat 😂. Aber jetzt war ich neugierig und musste es mit Nicecream testen! Ist ultra lecker geworden 😍.
Für die Sahne hab ich eine Dose Kokosmilch über Nacht in den Kühlschrank gestellt, damit sich der feste Teil oben absetzt. Dann den festen Teil rausgelöffelt und mit etwas Ahornsirup und Vanille Extrakt aufgeschlagen.
Für die Erdbeersoße hab ich einfach frische Erdbeeren gemixt.
Und für das Spaghetti Eis hab ich gefrorene Bananen mit Vanille gemixt.
Dann einfach die Kokos Sahne auf den Teller, die Nicecream durch eine Kartoffelpresse pressen, die Erdbeersoße und Kokosraspeln drüber und genießen 😌.
Ihr könnt natürlich auch einfach vegane Schlagsahne und Vanilleeis kaufen aber das ist die gesündere Variante und auch utlra lecker 😍.
For this healthy version of spaghetti icecream you need a can of coconut milk. Put it in the fridge over night until the coconut cream & coconut water separate. Scoop out the coconut cream into a bowl and mix it with some maple syrup and vanilla extract.
Blend some fresh strawberries for the strawberry sauce.
For the nicecream just blend frozen bananas with vanilla.
Then put the coconur cream on a plate, press the nicecream through a potato ricer and top it with strawberry sauce and shredded coconut.
Of course you can also buy vegan whipped cream and vanilla icecream but that’s the healthier way and also super yummy 😍.
#nicecream #spaghettieis #veganesspaghettieis #spaghettinicecream #veganeseis #veganicecream #spaghettiicecream #veganerezepte #sommerrezepte #gesundeseis #gesund #vegan #vegandeutschland #vegangermany #veganrecipes
vor 3 Jahren

Definitely one of my favorite nicecream flavors for summer! 🍌🥭🥬 You don’t like spinach? I promise you won’t even notice that it’s in there 🤓. It just adds a special flavor that goes really well with banana & mango but you can’t really identify it as spinach. And look at that colour! If you don’t like it at all – just leave it out.
You need:
150g frozen banana
150g frozen mango
a handful frozen baby spinach
(I always buy it fresh & freeze it because it tastes better than those frozen spinach blocks)
Blend everything in a highspeed blender and add your favorite toppings! I really like hempseeds, coconut flakes, fresh mango & lime juice is reeaally good, too!
#nicecream #bananaicecream #veganicecream #greensmoothie #smoothie #veganrecipes #vegandeutschland #veganerezepte #mangoicecream #healthyicecream #healthyrecipes #vegan #veganfood #vegansummer
vor 3 Jahren

Vegan Smoked Salmon made from carrots – you have to try it! It’s so easy to make and super yummy! 🥕
You need:
• 5 big carrots
• 2 cups water
• 6tbsp soysauce
• 5tbsp olive oil
• 4tbsp apple cider vinegar
• 1tbsp liquid smoke
• 1 nori sheet
How to:
1. peel the carrots like usual or just wash them, then peel them down completely from two sides and fill these thin carrot slices into a pot
2. add 2 cups water to the pot and cook the carrots on medium heat for 5-10 minutes
3. prepare the marinade while the carrots are cooking: add the remaining liquid ingredients into a (glass) container and stir, cut the nori sheet into pieces (works best with scissors) and add them to the mixture
4. add the cooked carrots and stir until everything‘s combined
5. cover the container with a lid (an airtight container is best or your fridge will smell like liquid smoke for the next days) and let it sit in the fridge for 2-3 days (at least for 24 hours)
6. enjoy on bread with vegan cream cheese or make sushi with it
7. You can eat the marinated nori, too! I think it’s really delicious because it adds the extra fishy flavor, just didn’t add it on the picture because it looks more like salmon
#carrotsalmon #vegansalmon #veganrecipes #healthyrecipes #foodblogger #vegansnack #healthyfood #healthybreakfast #veganbreakfast #govegan #fitnessfood #veganfitness #vegangermany #vegandeutschland #veganerezepte
vor 3 Jahren

Hi 🙃 it’s been a while since I posted something in my feed the last time. And I really wasn’t sure if I want to continue posting because a lot has changed on this platform that I didn’t really want to be part of anymore. I still posted stories because that became such a habit and it’s too much fun for me to stop. The reason why I want to start posting here again is that I met so many inspiring people and some of my best friends here on Instagram. It’s so nice how easy it is to connect with likeminded people here. And it would be kinda sad to just throw away the crazy amount of time I put into this account in the last years. Also I still love taking pictures and sharing random snippets of my life to show how easy it is to live a plantbased lifestyle. But I don’t see this as my job anymore and quit the last collaboration I still had a few months ago. I will just continue this for fun (like it all started) and share my favorite recipes and other things that I’m excited about. No pressure about posting regularly, not caring about the algorithm or any shrinking numbers because I don’t want to follow all the trends and new features.
Some recipe posts are already planned and coming soon 🥳.
📷 @vegan.dreadhead
vor 3 Jahren

So einfach und super lecker ☺️
Hier sind nochmal die Zutaten für die Erdnusssoße:
3EL Erdnussmus
2EL Sojasoße
3EL Limettensaft
1TL gelbe Currypaste
1 Zehe gehackten Knoblauch
etwas gehackten Ingwer
Wasser für die Konsistenz
#glasnudelsalat #glasnudeln #reisnudeln #erdnusssoße #sommerrezepte #veganerezepte #vegandeutschland #vegankochen #gesunderezepte #einfacherezepte #glassnoodlesalad #peanutsauce #vegan
vor 4 Jahren